Senior High - Grades 10-12 (in the fall 2025)
July 27 - August 1, 2025| $295 | Directors: Rachel Miller & Isaac Entz
For those who will be in grades 10 to 12 (in the fall of 2025).
Beginning July 1, any space remaining in this camp will be open to graduated seniors on a first come basis. Those in this age group should register early on the Senior High Wait List.
Program Directors
Rachel Miller has been involved with Camp Mennoscah every summer in some way, shape or form, ever since she was a 4th grader! Rachel attends Shalom Mennonite Church in Newton. Playing guitar and singing with friends is her favorite past-time. When she is not at camp, she works as a nurse in the ER. Her favorite camp meal is bierocks with BBQ sauce, and her favorite camp dessert is chocolate pudding!
Isaac Entz is a product design engineer for Flint Hills Design in North Newton, KS, but probably spends more time thinking about Ultimate Frisbee or dreaming about DIY project he knows he has no time to complete. The first thing he would do if he won the lottery would be to donate the money needed to build a zipline across the river at Camp Mennoscah. His favorite song is Waddaly Atcha, favorite sport is bowling, favorite meal is verenike casserole, mixed veggies, and cream puffs, and favorite way to eat potatoes is fried with cracklings.
†Pricing is based on usual camp costs and may be adjusted.