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Great News and a Great Opportunity!!!

Announcing the M&M Project

Tammy Unruh

April 03, 2023

Camp Mennoscah has been graciously offered a gift of $100,000 dollars, and we are honored and pleased to receive it. However, the money comes to Camp as a matching gift. In other words, we have been invited to raise money that will be matched, dollar for dollar, when we bring funds in, up to $100,000.

Therefore, to honor the gift, we are taking this opportunity to announce what we are calling the M&M Project. M&M stands for Mission and Maintenance, and there are several ways Camp can use this money to maintain our Mission through Maintenance of our property. Notably, in order to have Camp this summer, we need to do some repairs to the pool and some work to the Retreat Center in order to have air conditioning for this summer. (FYI - the work on the HVAC at the Retreat Center is a stop-gap measure before a large overhaul to the entire system.) 

We know you will want to be in on this opportunity to continue our Mission at Camp - to be a place where all can renew themselves, their relationships, and their connection with God through Jesus Christ. Here's how that can happen!

We are planning two major ways for people to give money for the M&M project. First, we would ask churches who are supporters of Camp Mennoscah to put together a fundraising event this year that would specifically benefit the M&M Project. These events would be sponsored by churches and held at churches or at camp, and other area churches could be invited to participate. Events could be, for example, a disc golf tournament, a fishing derby, a mud or sand volleyball tournament, a wiffle ball tournament, a kick ball tournament, or any other event. Other sorts of events could include bake sales, pie auctions, talent-no talent shows, game nights, chili cook-offs - the possibilities are really limited only by imagination.

Camp will willingly help with events by keeping a master calendar of events on the Camp website, providing help in planning and ideas, helping with advertising and announcements to get the word out, and providing any programing and presentations about camp that a church might desire to have as part of their fundraiser. Don’t be afraid to ask!

The second way Camp Mennoscah would like to raise money for the M&M project is through monthly pledges. We would like to see 100 “giving units” give $1000 each by the end of 2023.  A “giving unit” - we’ll call them “Fire Keepers” - could be a church, a Sunday School class, a family, a Youth Group, a Small Group, a Women’s or Men’s Group, individuals - whoever wants to pledge money to make sure this generous gift is honored by matching the funds.

Camp Mennoscah will soon be celebrating 75 years of camping ministry. What an awesome legacy! We hope the M&M Project will be a fitting start to a large celebration as we prepare our favorite place for its upcoming anniversary.  Please consider how you and yours can be part of this awesome opportunity!

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