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Fall Fest at Bethel College on Saturday, October 5th!

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

September 30, 2024

Camp Mennoscah will be at Bethel College's Fall Fest on Saturday, October 5!  Stop by the booth, say "Hi" to camp staff and pick out your next favorite camp tee shirt.  Camp staff will be at the booth in the morning through early afternoon.  Can't wait to see you!


Other events and happenings:

  • Thank you to the group of MDS young adults who spent two days volunteering at Camp Mennoscah!  A big thanks to those who helped lead projects, too.  Work on the HVAC progressed, a wall was built to create a mechanical room, and dirt work around the canoe dock was done.  It was a hoot to have them around!
  • Volunteers needed--come enjoy the cooler weather!  Volunteers for the HVAC work at the Retreat Center are welcome Monday - Friday. A lack of construction skills should not keep you from helping out with this project. Willing hands are what is needed!  Let us know when you are available, so we can prepare for you.  For anyone interested in working on a weekend, two weeks notice is needed. Contact Isaac at 316-217-5626 to sign up.
  • Registration for the Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats is open!  The dates are November 1-3 and November 15-17. Lodging and crafting will be held at Main Camp in the bunkhouses and dining hall.  Register here.  We'll see you for another fun weekend!
  • The dam will be taken out on Sunday, October 20, at 2pm.  Meet at the shelter area (look for people and things happening).  Spectators welcome, as are people to help take out the boards and clean them.  Taking the dam out is not for younger ages due to the weight of the boards.  Be prepared for whatever weather/temperatures there are.  It's a fun time for both those helping and those watching!

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